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Jealousy – do you feel it? Do you sense it in others? Does it hinder your relationships with other DJ's? Does it sap your confidence? Does it block your creativity? Here are some questions to help you get clearer about the jealousy in your life.


1. What is my jealousy trying to teach me? Generally when I have a strong emotion towards a specific person it’s either because that person represents something about me that I can’t tolerate yet or because that person embodies something that I wish I could do or have.


2. How can I identify with this person as a fellow DJ, instead of comparing our work or trying to steal bookings? What opportunities are there for collaboration, mutual support and the exchange of ideas? Can I open myself to receiving advice from this person – feedback, support and work? What can I, in turn, give to this person? Even the most famous, the most successful DJ is a human being just like you. Find the connection. What advice, support and training can I give to a DJ who’s newer than I am?


3. How can I develop confidence in my unique DJ Technique and express this authentically? I will never perform like this other DJ, or anyone else for that matter. Influences may be heard, comparisons will inevitably be made, but my professionalism and personality will never come out exactly like theirs, because my “story”, my life, my experiences, my collection of qualities, strengths and challenges are completely unique to me. When I honour my uniqueness my confidence grows, and it becomes pointless to compare myself to others – there’s no comparison, the race created by Jealousy or Envy is purely with yourself and its a long lonely Journey.


4. How can I turn my attention away from this other person and back to what I can do to further my own success and creative fulfillment? If I’m jealous of someone winning a contract, I can ask myself: how many hotels & pubs have I approached recently, and when did I last advertise?, can I really say that I have put in as much effort into self promotion as they have?. If I’m jealous of the fact they they have undercut me to steal my client, then ask how am I attracting new clients and how I am deepening my relationship with the ones I have now?. If I’m jealous of the higher fees they can charge, I can ask myself: what am I doing to make my business more successful, what can I do to command these higher fees, am I targeting the right clients or a lucrative market?.


5. Now that I’ve learned from it, how can I let go of my jealousy? Often in life we hang on to emotions long after they’ve served their usefulness. They become comfortable, familiar and safer than doing the work to get to the other side of them. And yet they can also weigh us down and block our creativity. It guzzles time and committment, it makes us bitter and knocks our self confidence and most of all, it contributes nothing.






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That post was well errr....


sounded very deep??????? http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/huh.gif you ok??? http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/tongue.gif


Well yeah i get jealous from time to time seeing other djs more succesful than me although every one is capable of other ability and experience


You just need the right determination and want to obtain it


oh time and practise to gain experience.


from when i started out to where i am now i never dreamed i would be at my posistion Gear and experience wise compared to back then.


The one thing i think is safe to say is that in this job YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING!


with every gig you learn something new http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif


still learning, still experiencing, still dj,ing

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That post was well errr....

sounded very deep???????  you ok??? 


Don't worry i'm not suicidal


But I have noticed a distinct rise in 'Don't get mad - get even' and 'Revenge is sweet' style posts, yet on these posts I have never seen a follow up, or a mention as to what the Author hopes to get out of their action(s) http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif other than of course, personal satisfaction, but is that going to make you a better DJ, or a better business person.


A lot of the time, your rivals win contracts, or get more bookings because they work hard to promote their business, and put in the effort that you keep meaning to get around to. It may not make them a better Dj than you, it just means that they may have more enthusiasm. Of course, we'll never admit that to ourselves which of course makes us even more irritated and determined to get even. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif .


There have also been posts along the lines of getting DJ's to work with each other, I agree, and its partly what DJU is about. There is enough work out their for everybody and there is no reason why we can't share it. Some Dj's on here have in the past mentioned that they are booked in advance for months at a time, surely if they are that popular then their phone must be ringing for dates when they are already booked?, what is happening to these bookings?, are you passing them to other DJ's on DJU?, if not then why not?, does any of the above topic apply and prevent you from doing so?.


I know that some members have aready started advertising their surplus bookings on the forum, or passing it on to other Dj's whom you have met via DJU. Well Done, you are a glowing tribute to the industry http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/thumbup.gif and it would be good to see this form of co-operative continuing. We have started the ball rolling in the Northwest.


So perhaps a little deep for a Wednesday Afternoon, but you can never have too much work, and if we can all benefit from it, then even better. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif

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I do get where your coming from now chris and a agree STRONGLY with most of what your getting at. In respect to djs working together is what i thought was the whole idea of djing when i first started out which attracted me to the industry for both work and social gratification. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif


Although from where i look now djs do not seem to be actually intergrating this in to the industry as in my area (pubs and hotels mainly) there is around 80% lone djs. where the most common dj that work with others are the private function dj (my own specific dj role). i.e. weddings. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif


In respect to passing work on myself i am not booked in for months and months in advance as my bookings are should i say splattered all over the year. i.e. 3wk no work next month back to back with work and visa versa although these bookings may arise as little as a week and even a few days before hand. Therefore i'am not booked months in advance but a may be working due to short notice bookings. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif


In respect to handing over work to help other djs out i have in the past although i try to shy away or as little as give them a warning as the area a work in is'nt the most friendly places at the best of times. (central Salford, sometimes towards manchester) although i have a residency so 80% of the time i'am at the same venue. NICE venue and know the type of people in that immediate area.


Sparticus. http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif

still learning, still experiencing, still dj,ing

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i was jealous earlier when i saw brians pictures but being serious this a great post.


earlier on in the week i was http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/censored2.gif off with a social club near me for offering there inhouse disco for £60.00 while keeping prices down by having the majority of there music on copied discs,however after coming on here for some advice and to unwind i never did make that call, but also in a lot of the replys there was great advice along the lines of offering a better service to get even.


well thanks to my fellow dj's ive booked in a couple of wedding fayres,purchased my new domain names and phoned a couple of my venues so thanks for the constructive advice.


any bookings i cant do i will put on here or if anybody needs to borrow some gear if ive got it they can use it as my little way of saying thanks.

07843106107 mobile


01752-296680 office

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Very interesting post Chris. I don't feel too much jealousy with the DJ's I aspire to catch up to, but I am always impressed by them. I'm in a funny place with my business where I seem to be skiing mostly new trails in my market and many of my competitors are tentatively following down after me. It's scary and dangerous being out front and you get lots of people trying to topple you from your perch, but it's also very rewarding.


The DJ's I am following are almost exclusively in America and I'm blown away by their obvious talent, skill, enthusiasm and flair. They deserve all of the rewards they get in my opinion. Jealousy? Not for me (professionally speaking), but I certainly have major jealousy issues when I see a guy my age in a new Ferrari convertible!

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I don't feel too much jealousy with the DJ's I aspire to catch up to, but I am always impressed by them.


Thanks, I'm not jealous of you either Richard


but I certainly have major jealousy issues when I see a guy my age in a new Ferrari convertible!


I've now sold that car - Sorry !



OK, I look up to very few DJ's not because I think I am better than most (which I am http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif ) but if you worry too much about them you lose track of your business, I like to think I am one of the companies people look to around here, many people panick when not working on a Saturday, and call me to see how busy it is.


I don't get jealous of many things anyway, and at the end of the day it's a business, far more important things in life, like trying to replace my Ferrari http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/rolleyes.gif


Intresting point here though, how many DJ's think of themselves as DJ's or, like me, a company that DJ's as part of a living.

.....but what do I know ?




Your Big Event

Office:01803 813540

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QUOTE (ADS Entertainments @ Mar 31 2005, 08:30 AM)
I don't feel too much jealousy with the DJ's I aspire to catch up to, but I am always impressed by them.


Thanks, I'm not jealous of you either Richard


but I certainly have major jealousy issues when I see a guy my age in a new Ferrari convertible!


I've now sold that car - Sorry !



OK, I look up to very few DJ's not because I think I am better than most (which I am http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif ) but if you worry too much about them you lose track of your business, I like to think I am one of the companies people look to around here, many people panick when not working on a Saturday, and call me to see how busy it is.


I don't get jealous of many things anyway, and at the end of the day it's a business, far more important things in life, like trying to replace my Ferrari http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/rolleyes.gif


Intresting point here though, how many DJ's think of themselves as DJ's or, like me, a company that DJ's as part of a living.

how many DJ's think of themselves as DJ's or, like me, a company that DJ's as part of a living.


Good quote/trademark saying Andy. professionally said use on new clients http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/tongue.gif


still learning, still experiencing, still dj,ing

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I used to feel a bit jealous of some guys who had a better power amp than me - I was only running a McGreggor 200 x 200. But I just got a Nexus 1.5k so I`m happy











































Now I just need some speakers to do it justice








Edited by OK KARAOKE
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Good amp, HZ Nexus 750w per channel


Sorry off topic, but had to be said........

.....but what do I know ?




Your Big Event

Office:01803 813540

Direct: 0797 0717 448


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QUOTE (ADS Entertainments @ Mar 31 2005, 09:30 PM)
How many DJ's think of themselves as DJ's or, like me, a company that DJ's as part of a living.

I'm not sure about that one. I'm both a DJ and a business. The DJ part of me might have tendencies to be impulsive and possibly even occasionally a little jealous, but the business part of me is more into improvement, learning and success.

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That's sort of what I meant Richard, some 'DJ's' just say no to a job and put the telephone down, I will try and help the client get a DJ, or wedding cake http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/whistling.gif etc etc.

Even if I can't do that function they will remeber the help and hopefully call me next time.

.....but what do I know ?




Your Big Event

Office:01803 813540

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When I started out, back in 1979, the only thing I had that was bought was my Fal console and a pair of Fal 2x12"s. There fore I was very jealous of all the established guys who had loads of gear. Looking back, it wasn't quality gear, just lots of it. Steadily I too ammassed more and more, which sort of took that away.


Nowadays, I am pleased to say that I have what I consider to be a very "high end" show, and dont feel that gear is an issue. The only people I am slightly jealous of are the guys that have made it to national radio. I would still love to do that. On the subject of Mobiles though, no, I dont think I am jealous of anyone I can think of.


What I have noticed is that some "Djs" with big shows sadly dont have any talent at all, and purely rely on the equipment (ie lightshows and loud music) to get them along.

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I only get jealous in the nicest possible way.


If I see a good DJ in action I might be jealous in the way that I wish I was more like them in my performance.


I never get jealous of other peoples equipment or the money they're earning. I'm happy with the quality of my equipment and the sounds it produces.

Quitting Smoking & Drinking doesn't make you live longer


It just feels like it.



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Nowadays, I am pleased to say that I have what I consider to be a very "high end" show, and dont feel that gear is an issue. The only people I am slightly jealous of are the guys that have made it to national radio. I would still love to do that. On the subject of Mobiles though, no, I dont think I am jealous of anyone I can think of.


Well said young man totally agree, except the radio bit, doesn't worry mean.

.....but what do I know ?




Your Big Event

Office:01803 813540

Direct: 0797 0717 448


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Personally i've always seen Radio Broadcasting and Mobile DJ'ing as two different Animals and requiring two different levels of skills.


Take Radio DJ'ing, at most stations the music and planning is done for you by the program controller or other 'powers that be' - however you perhaps need a greater skill at communicating with an unseen audience and also capturing the imagination. You also need to be a good aural communicator, purely because you don't have the visual cues which the audience at a function can see from a Mobile DJ. Timing is also important such as talking up to the vocals, and tracks finishing dead on for a news break etc.


Mobile DJ'ing also has its own differing skills from that of the Broadcaster, you have a live audience and your aim is to get people on the dancefloor and hopefully keep them there http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif , therefore you perhaps rely a little heavier on your own personal skills at choosing the music and reading peoples reactions. You and your audience are in both visual and aural contact so body language and people skills perhaps play a greater part than a Radio DJ.


Just my own perception and opinion http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/smile.gif of two very different industries but each with their own unique skills, and just because you may be good at one may not mean that you will succeed (or enjoy) the other.

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Agreed too, I can probably do a better mobile show than Steve Wright, but wouldn't stand a chance in ther radio waves war against him.


Two completely different formats

.....but what do I know ?




Your Big Event

Office:01803 813540

Direct: 0797 0717 448


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Radio or mobile, or if me both sort of...


I have a gig with my local radio station to " pretend" to be one of their jocks for club party nights, as their dj's are crap live. So far pretended to be mid morning, afternoon and "drive time" jock, I even do autographs!!

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Strive to Achieve.

..playing all the hits for you...

....whether you may be....


Why can't I see what i going on???

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Have never been jealous of fellow DJs or radio djs, etc.


I admit I've been 'in awe' of some 'visual' jocks who 'Tom Cruise' the wheels of steel!!!

(Circus quality http://www.dj-forum.co.uk/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif )



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