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About mikeee

  • Rank
    Mozart Of The Microphone
  • Birthday 17/12/1953

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Level Of Experience
    Professional - I D.J as a full time occupation
  • Associations
    Not Currently a Member
  • Areas of cover
    South, South East
  • Reason for Joining
    Experienced DJ looking to network with others
  • DJ Category
    Mobile DJ

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  • Interests
    Astronomy, Star Trek, Wine, Women and Song

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  1. And no one came up with the business answer :) You charge full price, because to them it's tax deductable, then at the end of the evening you present them with a cheque to the charity which is tax deductable to you, and if you sign that little slip for them they can claim the tax from the Inland revenue. So it looks vaguely like this: You charge £450.00 You give them £400.00 and because of expenses pay no tax. They right it off against the £450.00, so they are down £50.00, but you have signed that little slip of paper for the IR, which at 20% of £400.00 gives them (in
  2. mikeee

    Led Lighting

    After talking to a theatre tech a few weeks ago I can confirm that LED lighting does flicker. Whilst not noticable at the visual level, the eyes do pick up and transmit to brain information outside of the visual. Also LED's "burn" / "glow" at the cold end of the spectrum, unlike normal lamps which are at the other end (they get warm :) ). I personally would not point LED lighting straight into a crowd, but thats my opinion.
  3. If it's any help. I did a Christmas day in 1984. 1.00pm to 4.00pm for the kids, whilst parents chilled out, then a break with a room for a kip and shower, then 8.00pm to 12.am for the adults. The agent charged it out at (I believe) £600.00 and I got £450.00. Now move on 24 years and longer hours - normal 4 hr gig say £350 x 3 = £1,050 then x by 4 for Xmas Day = £4,200. Then factor in Traveling, size of show....name your price.
  4. Does the lack of discussion re. the new ProDub recruitment campaign demonstrate how many DJU members actually have the licence? Has no-one received the recruitment :ads: email yet?
  5. And don't forget to ask them for your Purchase Order Number, so that you can check back to the original order. Or, Ask them where the samples are for approval!! Or, sideways without vasoline
  6. But it makes perfect sense and has done for many years. iTunes, like all download sites and purchased CD's have the copyright restriction that they song can not be played in public. If you are doing an event other than a "family" party, you should have a PPL performance licence, unless you are booked by a venue / client to work for or more than 5 consecutive nights, then it becomes their responsibility. Weddings, Birthdays etc are "family" parties and not classified as a "proper" event, so no performance license is required. I think thats the basics in a nutshell.
  7. Steve, you may have been mis-informed. If you download direct to your play out machine you do not need the licence, but if you copy to another machine or CD-R you do need the licence. The licence terms for the download (ie you can make a copy to an ipod or CD) is for personal use only and not for business use.
  8. Without knowing the "type" of people it is difficult. As the B&G come in, play the Laurel and Hardy theme, the the groom can walk a bit funny :) If it's geared more to the bride go for the David Rose Orch. - The Stripper, may raise a chuckle from everyone exept the brides father.
  9. Ah, deep breathe....................................................................................... Cortex is a nice unit, apparently
  10. Is the cheque in the post I would think so, young man.
  11. I think it was about two years ago. This is just one of many names that has been used over the years. TOPIC CLOSED
  12. I'm saying no more, other than this person has been discussed on this forum more than once before.
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